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TRcore Produced
DVC file encryption


It is an independent security provider, a professional group with unique advantages in security solution product planning and development capabilities.

We provide low-cost, simple, high-security "encrypted security" products to ease the burden on companies that introduce them as much as possible in the current severe economic environment, and have delivered more than 300 companies in Taiwan and China, including government agencies and major companies. We will continue to meet the needs of many customers with excellent cost performance and fast technical support based on our proven track record, and strive to become a world-class security manufacturer.


​                 business philosophy


We contribute to society by realizing more secure document protection.


Determined to become a solution provider in the IT security industry, with unique and powerful brand solution products, to provide customers with "available" security.

​Code of Conduct

Challenge-Improvement-Breakthrough (Challenge-Improvement-Breakthrough)
With professional ambition and sense of responsibility, carefully consider the needs of customers, propose and implement solutions. In pursuit of customer satisfaction and excitement, we will keep leaping to new heights through constant challenges, improvements and novel original innovations.

TRcore DVC​Chief Technology Officer Jerry Shen (Go out and breathe more when you have time, friend)

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